Sunday, April 5, 2015

A Symbol Of Victory...

On February 23, 1945, United States Marines raised the flag over Iwo Jima.  It costs thousands of lives on both sides.  I was talking to my mother on the phone about past memories (she is now in her 90's) and we got to talking about World War II.  She was working at Marshalltown Manufacturing as a "Rosie the Riviter" after High School while men were drafted and leaving for war.  She remembers when people saw this iconic photo and began putting it up in their homes and businesses that there was a sense that America and the Allies were going to win the war.  By September the war was over and "the boys" came home!

Good Friday reminds us that something else was raised that has brought liberty to millions.  Jesus Christ was impaled on a cross and lifted up in agony for our sins.  When it seems like the world is falling apart we look to the cross to be reminded that the war has already been won!  It didn't end at Golgotha.  Three days later he walked out of the tomb!  You may be in a battle and feel weary but through Jesus, we have won.  He is Risen!  Have a blessed Easter!

By Ken Locke

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